Wednesday 29 August 2012

get to know me: fitness and health.

Ah, the constant battle for health and wellness.

I have attached a picture and story (below) detailing my journey thus far (a duplicate from my Facebook page) in fitness, happiness, and healthy eating.

as quoted from my personal Facebook account, regarding my fitness and health thus far:

"Vex. McDonalds. Gummy Worms. Sour Cream and Onion Chips. Pizza.

I’ll never forget the year I turned 20. Up until that point, I had been a confident, creative, and optimistic person. I was 110lbs all through highschool, could wear anything, and eat anything, with no consequence.

Eventually, my body just couldn’t keep up with eating and drinking anything I wanted. Within 6 months, from October 2008-May 2009, I had packed on 30lbs, shooting my weight up to 140lbs. I was mortified by my appearance, having never dreamed that this would happen to me. I started buying baggy clothing, avoiding photographs, but most of all, became really, really sad. My confident and body image were at an all time low, and stayed there for the next year as I struggled through my second year of college.

The summer of 2010 rolled around, and I was unable to stay this way any longer. I started running, eating healthy, and going to the gym. Over the course of the next two years, tried boxing, TRX, pole dance, boot camp, yoga, and was able to shed most of the weight I’d gained. But, most importantly, I’d found a level of happiness that I’d never thought was possible. That’s what I’m most proud of. I am finally proud of myself again, confident, and surrounded with positive people. It was not easy, or fast.

I’m very happy with my progress, but still not finished yet. Things can only get better from here. :)"

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