Wednesday 29 August 2012

hair: blonde to red/brown.

Tomorrow will mark the 1 week anniversary of a huge change to my hair.

After being a medium-platinum beach blonde all my life, pictured here:

I made a huge change, going for dark red, pictured here:

As you can see, I was pretty excited.

At first, it was a major shock. I wasn't sure if I'd done the right thing, although I've been wanting to dye my hair red for quite a while now, almost 2 years. It was just so different! A million things worried me about it:

"But Christine - will this affect your market-ability with photographers?" (I've dabbled in amateur/professional modeling, and would like to continue doing it, as it's something that I love!)

"What if you just blend in now? What if you look just...boring? Has this sucked the life out of me?!?"

Which then spiraled into:

"I look like a f**king librarian. Oh s***. WHAT HAVE I DONE?!"

The truth is, the more you get to know me, the more you will see how much I can amplify things by thinking too much about them.

After this mini freak out, I actually TALKED to the people I consider important in my life about it. Turns out, 99% of them think I'm crazy. In fact, many preferred the red over the blonde!

I guess I just have to get used to changes. It's a problem I have, that I can be far too "safe" in my life choices. I took this chance, and now I love it! I love my new red hair!

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